Sonraí cuardaigh
Contains anonymous information on number of children in care, adoptions, placements, children with social workers etc. Broken down by location and dates.

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
A register of domestic adoptions within Ireland - Domestic adoption refers to the situation where a child who is resident in Ireland is adopted by a person or couple who is/are...
Pearsanta Íogair

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
Register of natural fathers or birth fathers for checking against when a child is put up for adoption
Pearsanta Íogair

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
A database of intercountry adoptions - Intercountry adoption refers to the situation where persons resident in Ireland decide to adopt a child who is resident in a country other...
Pearsanta Íogair

Family and Relationships
Department of Social Protection
Data on all births registered on the Civil Registration System in order to satisfy requirements for Central Statistics Office . Held by the General Register Office.
Pearsanta Íogair

Family and Relationships
Department of Social Protection
Data on all marriages registered on the Civil Registration System in order to satisfy requirements for Central Statistics Office . Held by the General Register Office.

Family and Relationships
Department of Social Protection
Data on all deaths registered with the General Register Office from Dec 1980 onwards. The system allows approved Public Service Bodies to gain access to data on all deaths...

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
Register of intercountry adoptions (RICA) - Records details of foreign adoptions once certified to be inline with the Adoption Act
Pearsanta Íogair

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
Register of procurements undertaken by the Adoption Authority Ireland (AAI)

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
Register of PQs held within the Adoption Authority Ireland (AAI)

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
Register of HR items held within the Adoption Authority Ireland (AAI)

Family and Relationships
Central Statistics Office
Dataset holding responses made by households to the HFCS. The HFCS primarily measures wealth of households in Ireland.

Family and Relationships
Central Statistics Office
The main purpose of the HBS is to determine in detail the pattern of household expenditure in order to update the weighting basis of the Consumer Price Index. Since it is...
Pearsanta Íogair

Family and Relationships
Central Statistics Office
The Irish Health Survey (IHS) is the Irish version of the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS). This survey fulfils the need for public health policies to obtain reliable...
Pearsanta Íogair

Family and Relationships
Central Statistics Office
Growing Up in Ireland is the National Longitudinal study established as a cohort study in the context of a continued need for national-level empirical data and research on...
Pearsanta Íogair

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
Gender recognition register (GRICA) which records a persons gender
Pearsanta Íogair

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
Register of FOIs held within the Adoption Authority Ireland (AAI)

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
Register of Data Protection items held within the Adoption Authority Ireland (AAI)

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
Register of contracts agreed with the Adoption Authority Ireland (AAI)

Family and Relationships
Adoption Authority Ireland
Register of Accredeations held within the Adoption Authority Ireland (AAI)

Family and Relationships