Sonraí cuardaigh
Tailte Éireann
Historical maps in scanned image and/or paper form showing maps dating from approx. 1829 to 1913.

Tailte Éireann
Height information of ground levels captured at regular postings

Tailte Éireann
High resolution photography captured from aeroplane and orthorectified to provide accurate geographic location

Tailte Éireann
Data provided to use as part of harmonised international mapping including EuroGlobal, EuroRegional and EuroBoundary

Tailte Éireann
Authoritative dataset of boundary information for the state including legislative boundaries and statiscally significant boundaries as well as national placenames

Tailte Éireann
Data relating to transactions of property with unregistered titles since 1970

Tailte Éireann
Database holding records of commercial property valuations for rating purposes. Some data is published as Open Data.

Tailte Éireann
The authoritative geospatial dataset for the state.

Tailte Éireann
Database for all registered titles to property in, and guaranteed by, the state

Revenue Commissioners
This dataset will allow the Office of the Revenue Commissioners to share Unique Business Identifier Number (UBIN) data, enabling consistent identification of businesses and...

Money and Tax
Met Éireann
The Met Éireann WDB API outputs a detailed point forecast in XML format for a coordinate point as defined by the user.
Data is output in (i) 1-hour intervals out to 90 hours,...

Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland
Building Energy Rating (BER) transaction level data, in JSON format.
API service that returns BER data file for domestic dwellings. Users of the service are required to sign a...


National Government

Environment Protection Agency
The ‘Climate Change in the Irish Mind’ project is a baseline study of the Irish people’s beliefs,
attitudes, policy preferences and behaviours regarding climate change.

Dublin City Council
Inferred locations of traffic lights from Dublin City Council SCATs traffic management system. Location descriptions and Lat/ Long coordinates for SCATs sensors in Dublin City...

Local Government
Dublin City Council
Waste Data

Local Government
Dublin City Council
Every November Dublin City Council (DCC) conducts traffic counts at 33 locations on entry points into the city centre around a 'cordon' formed by the Royal and Grand Canals. As...

Local Government
Dublin City Council
Contained in this report are traffic counts taken from the SCATS traffic detectors located at junctions.

Local Government
Dublin City Council
Weather data collected by weather stations in Dublin and surrounding counties

Local Government
Department of Transport
National Vehicle and Driver FILE (NVDF) Database containing details of all registered vehicle and driver details in Ireland
Pearsanta Íogair

Transport and Travel
Department of Justice
A database containing information relating to all visa applications to Ireland.
Pearsanta Íogair
