
Pobal HP Deprivation index

Rialtas Náisiúnta

Cur Síos

Social Gradient index categorising al Small Areas in the State on a scale of disadvantage / affluence. The index is constructed using census data and is used for resource allocation, where state interventions have a specific remit on targeting disadvantage. Examples include the Dept. of Education (DEIS Designation), Dept. of Rural & Communities (SICAP, LEADER), Dept. of Children (Early Years Capital), TUSLA and the HSE.


The data is full population, being derived from the national census. The index scores are available at the National, county, ED & Small Area level. The index gives each geographic unit a score of between 50 and -50, following a normalised distribution curve where circa 70% of the population live in areas with scores between 10 and -10. Each band of 10 represents one standard deviation from the mean.

Eolas Breise

Field Value
Sector Rialtas Náisiúnta
Dataset Coverage The data is full population, being derived from the national census. The index scores are available at the National, county, ED & Small Area level. The index gives each geographic unit a score of between 50 and -50, following a normalised distribution curve where circa 70% of the population live in areas with scores between 10 and -10. Each band of 10 represents one standard deviation from the mean.
Príomh-Aitheantóir Small Area ID
Sonraí Pearsanta Níl
Sonraí Pearsanta Íogaire Níl
Sonraí Gnó Níl
Sonraí Spásúla Yes
Roinnt Sonraí Yes
Comhéadain Feidhmchláir atá ar fáil Níl
Sonraí Oscailte Yes
Nasc leis an Tairseach Sonraí Oscailte https://data.gov.ie/dataset/hp-deprivation-index-scores-2016
Minicíocht nuashonraithe Eile
Pointe Teagmhála
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