Spásúil Pearsanta Gnó


Ó: Department of Rural & Community Development
Rialtas Náisiúnta

Cur Síos

Database holding records of the LEADER fund.Details of successful grant applications for the LEADER Fund.

The LEADER IT System was designed to gather performance monitoring data with the EUs Common Agricultural Policy in mind, of which Ireland’s Rural Development Programme (RDP) is a component. LEADER in turn is a programme under the RDP. Mandatory data gathering is required to satisfy CAP monitoring. LEADER is the only rural development scheme that is indirectly governed by an external regulation i.e. EU regulations. DAFM is the managing authority for Ireland’s RDP and the administration of LEADER is delegated to DRCD. The total funding available under the LEADER 2014-2020 Programme is €250 million and €40 million has been allocated to the programme for 2020.


Current database hosted by Pobal. Previous database hosted on Amazon Web Services (Cloud). LEADER IT System Administrative data ·       Promoter contact, project and payment details. ·       LAG/IP contact and payment details. ·       Project details (description, grant amount, LAG approval details, contract dates, project stage, financials / costs etc.). ·       Performance and monitoring data: primary local objectives from a pre-populated list, theme and sub-theme are then auto-populated, a specific list of sectors or initiatives are available for selection, target groups – if basic services for hard to reach communities then user must select a primary and secondary target group from a list, project type from a list of 5 categories is chosen, project sub-type where recorded if the project is a co-operation project, applicant type from 3 categories, enterprise projects micro, small, medium, social enterprise, population benefiting from services/infrastructure projects, anticipated jobs created/sustained. End of project indicators: actual jobs created/sustained, number of people trained and course duration, number of people benefitting from projects e.g. numbers who visited tourist attraction, if social media or web page number of hits per month, number of people who availed of services and participated in interventions.

Eolas Breise

Field Value
Sector Rialtas Náisiúnta
Dataset Coverage Current database hosted by Pobal. Previous database hosted on Amazon Web Services (Cloud). LEADER IT System Administrative data ·       Promoter contact, project and payment details. ·       LAG/IP contact and payment details. ·       Project details (description, grant amount, LAG approval details, contract dates, project stage, financials / costs etc.). ·       Performance and monitoring data: primary local objectives from a pre-populated list, theme and sub-theme are then auto-populated, a specific list of sectors or initiatives are available for selection, target groups – if basic services for hard to reach communities then user must select a primary and secondary target group from a list, project type from a list of 5 categories is chosen, project sub-type where recorded if the project is a co-operation project, applicant type from 3 categories, enterprise projects micro, small, medium, social enterprise, population benefiting from services/infrastructure projects, anticipated jobs created/sustained. End of project indicators: actual jobs created/sustained, number of people trained and course duration, number of people benefitting from projects e.g. numbers who visited tourist attraction, if social media or web page number of hits per month, number of people who availed of services and participated in interventions.
Príomh-Aitheantóir Tax Registration Number, Eircode of address of promoter.
Sonraí Pearsanta Yes
Sonraí Pearsanta Íogaire Níl
Sonraí Gnó Yes
Sonraí Spásúla Yes
Roinnt Sonraí Yes
Comhéadain Feidhmchláir atá ar fáil Yes
Sonraí Oscailte Níl
Nasc leis an Tairseach Sonraí Oscailte
Minicíocht nuashonraithe Annually
Pointe Teagmhála
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