Spásúil Gnó

Afforestation statistics

Ó: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine

Cur Síos

Area under forest based on payments paid out to private and publicly owned forested sites


Official afforestation areas compiled annually from the Forest Service payment database. At the end of each calendar year, those afforested areas that have received the first grant instalment are used to update the afforestation statistics. The statistics include information such as, area afforested, species type and average forest size.

Eolas Breise

Field Value
Sector Talmhaíocht
Dataset Coverage Official afforestation areas compiled annually from the Forest Service payment database. At the end of each calendar year, those afforested areas that have received the first grant instalment are used to update the afforestation statistics. The statistics include information such as, area afforested, species type and average forest size.
Príomh-Aitheantóir Stand ID (internal)
Sonraí Pearsanta Níl
Sonraí Pearsanta Íogaire Níl
Sonraí Gnó Yes
Sonraí Spásúla Yes
Roinnt Sonraí Níl
Comhéadain Feidhmchláir atá ar fáil Níl
Sonraí Oscailte Níl
Nasc leis an Tairseach Sonraí Oscailte
Minicíocht nuashonraithe Annually
Pointe Teagmhála
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