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Tailte Éireann
Authoritative dataset of boundary information for the state including legislative boundaries and statiscally significant boundaries as well as national placenames

Tailte Éireann
Data provided to use as part of harmonised international mapping including EuroGlobal, EuroRegional and EuroBoundary

Tailte Éireann
High resolution photography captured from aeroplane and orthorectified to provide accurate geographic location

Tailte Éireann
Height information of ground levels captured at regular postings

Tailte Éireann
Historical maps in scanned image and/or paper form showing maps dating from approx. 1829 to 1913.

Geological Survey Ireland
A wide range of datasets.
Bedrock geology.
Geochemistry (stream sediment, stream water, shallow topsoil and deeper topsoil).
Geoenergy (geothermal).

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Spatial datasets relating to hydrocarbon exploration/production licensing, data acquisition, geology, maritime limits.

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Database of location of Active Mines, Disused (post 1950) and historic mines, Historic State Mining facilities, and current State Mining Facilities.

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Database of location and details of airborne surveys undertaken as part of mineral exploration activities.

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Database of publicly available mineral exploration drillholes.

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Database of location of Gold, Base metal, Industrial Minerals and Minor Base metals deposits and occurrences

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Database of Prospecting Licence Areas including PLA Status, Licence holder, Prospecting Licence details.

Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Database of Prospecting Licences in Ireland for recording and monitoring Prospecting Licences by the Department. Data includes Prospecting Licence information and reporting and...

Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Database of civils servant performance including Annually ratings Held and maintained by the Civil Service HR Division, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.

National Government
Department of Finance
Publicly available data on tax receipts by the exchequer from January 1984 to the present

Money and Tax
Department of Finance
Publicly available Budgetary Statistics data from 1983 to 2016

Money and Tax
Department of Finance
Historic and projected budget and receipts data for all public bodies and detailed by EU System of Accounts (ESA) codes

Money and Tax
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Pension liability data for all currently serving public servants, public service pensioners and former staff who are due future deferred pensions.

National Government
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Data gathered for the estimates process from initial estimates to final Appropriation Accounts and including formulation of the Budget, Revised Estimates Volume (REV),...

Money and Tax
Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
Databases containing aggregate active and retired staff numbers data across all sectors broken down by various criteria including salary band (except HSE) and grade level

National Government