National Government
Property Mapping Register
Office of Public WorksHolds certain information on State owned and leased properties provided by State organisations - for intra State use onlyPersonalSpatialNational Government
Minor Works Management System
Office of Public WorksDetails on works carried out in buildings within OPW's estate portfolioPersonalBusinessSpatialNational Government
Dublin Fit-Out Framework
Office of Public WorksDetails of building contractors who have qualified for inclusion on the Dublin Fit-Out FrameworkPersonalBusinessSpatialNational Government
Drainage Scheme data
Office of Public WorksSpatial dataset identifying drainage works carried out under the Arterial Drainage Acts and Drainage Acts pre-1995.SpatialNational Government
Cultural Assets database
Office of Public WorksDatabase of cultural assets inc. State Art Collection, artefacts stoed/displayed at OPW historic sites etc.BusinessNational Government
Coastal extreme water level data
Office of Public WorksSpatial dataset with information on extreme sea levels taking into account astronomical tide levels, surge and, in some areas, wave action.SpatialNational Government
Coast of Ireland Oblique Imagery Survey 2003
Office of Public WorksThe Coast of Ireland Survey was flown in September 2003 using aerial oblique digital video photography as part of the Irish Coastal Protection Strategy Study (ICPSS). The...SpatialNational Government
Chartered Building Surveyors List (CBSIL)
Office of Public WorksDetails of Chartered Building Surveyors who have qualified for inclusion on the OPW's list of approved Chartered Building Surveyors.PersonalBusinessSpatialNational Government
Building Contractors List
Office of Public WorksDetails of building contractors who have qualified for inclusion on the OPW's list of approved building contractors.PersonalBusinessSpatialNational Government
Asbestos Register Database
Office of Public WorksDatabase of asbestos registers and reports on all OPW propertiesSpatialNational Government