
Why was the Public Service API Catalogue Created?

The current Public Service Data Strategy envisages a Public Service-wide data ecosystem.

Similarly the Public Service API Catalogue promotes greater data reuse within the Public Service by enabling Public Sector Bodies to publish details of their APIs for potential discovery and access by other Public Service Bodies and organisations.

Ultimately when data reuse is increased, data recollection is decreased. This leads to a reduction of the burden on the public to resubmit information they have already provided and additionally it leads to the reduction in the administrative overhead on the Public Service to manage that data recollection.

These outcomes also reflect the vision of the Public Services strategy , to deliver an inclusive, high quality and integrated Public Service that meets the needs and improves the lives of the people of Ireland.

What are APIs?

Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) provide a technical mechanism of secure data exchange between Public Service IT systems over the internet.

What Does the Catalogue Contain?

The API Catalogue is the central point for Public Service Bodies to register details of their APIs facilitating access to common datasets held within their organisation for potential disovery by organisations within the Public Servcie. The API Catalogue does not contain any datasets containing personal data collected from the public but does detail metadata regarding the pupose of APIs, datasets accessible, the organisation that holds the API and dataset, and how API access is initated between Public Service Bodies. Public Service Bodies must register to publish, search or view the catalogue, there is no public or commerical access.

What are the Public Service API Standards?

The Connecting Government 2030 strategy sets out that, in relation to Government as a Platform, the Public Service API Standards are essential to support an interoperable all-of-government digital environment. These standards are to be adopted across the Public Service as the agreed best practice for development, design, management, security, and maintenance for APIs.

Who operates the Public Service API Catalogue?

The catalogue is operated by OGCIO in the Department of Public Expenditure NDP Delivery and Reform