Electric Vehicle Applications
Cork City CouncilTo facilitate applications for Electric Vehicle parking in the Black Ash Park & RidePersonalSpatialLocal Government
Car Park Applications
Cork City CouncilTo facilitate sale of Monthly Parking Tickets in Cork City owned off street parking facilities.PersonalSpatialLocal Government
Retailer Agreements
Cork City CouncilTo facilitate the sale and distribution of parking discs to shops / retailersPersonalBusinessSpatialLocal Government
Local Government
PersonalSensitive Personal
Local Government
Abnormal Load Permits
Cork City CouncilDatabase of Abnormal Load Permits issued to faciliate the issue of permitsLocal Government
Local Government
Public lighting
Cork City CouncilRecord of all public lighting location, light type, wattage, for maintenanceSpatialLocal Government
ICT Systems Register
Cork City CouncilRecord of all Council owned ICT systems, business owners, descriptions.Local Government
Mobile Device Management (MDM) database
Cork City CouncilRecord of all enrolled SMART phones and tablets and associated dataPersonalSensitive PersonalLocal Government
Abandoned Vehicles Database
Cork City CouncilTo faciliate the investigation of complaints in relation abandoned vehicles and possible removal and disposal of this vehiclePersonalLocal Government
Local Government
Property Interest Register
Cork City CouncilDatabase of Council owned lands, propoerties and all asociated interests including acquisition and disposal dataSpatialLocal Government
Accident data
Cork City CouncilAccident dataset for road collisions within Cork City administrative areaSpatialLocal Government
Local Government
Local Government
Local Government
Arts Grant Applications
Cork City CouncilData for the assessment, allocation and management of Arts Funding.PersonalBusinessSpatialLocal Government
Healthy Ireland Fund
Cork City CouncilHealthy Ireland Fund will be to support innovative, cross-sectorial, evidence based projects,PersonalLocal Government
Local Government