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Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme

From: Department of Rural & Community Development
National Government


Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme. Personal data on participants in SICAP. The IRIS Database is managed by Pobal on behalf of the Department. This is a scheme which aims to reduce disadvantage and poverty. It provides funding at a national level to promote social inclusion. The programme has two goals that focus on supporting communities and individuals: • To support communities and target groups to engage with relevant stakeholders in identifying and addressing social exclusion and equality issues, developing the capacity of local community groups and creating more sustainable communities of local community groups and creating more sustainable communities. • To support disadvantaged individuals to improve the quality of their lives through the provision of lifelong learning and labour market supports.


Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme (SICAP) Administrative data Individual Beneficiary templates are mandatory for each case and provide details on: ·       Personal details (name, address, contacts etc.). ·       Profile (age and gender). ·       Economic status at registration (length of unemployment, economically inactive e.g. disabled, employed). ·       Level of educational attainment at registration. ·       Target group category (lone parent, disabled, nationality, migrant, and ethnicity). ·       Household situation (jobless, homeless etc.). ·       Exit date from SICAP. ·       Immediate results (status on/up to 4 weeks from exit) – engaged in job searching, in education/training, gained a qualification, in employment. ·       Longer term results (status on 6 months from exit) – improved labour market intervention, in employment. ·       Interventions undertaken (e.g. supports in terms of personal action plan, personal skills, info on lifelong learning, education, labour market etc.) Other ·       Includes case studies, and end of year reports. ·       Following a trial period, a Distance Travelled Tool ‘My Journey’ has recently been developed to measure the results of the scheme for individuals. It is a statistically validated tool (recurring questionnaire) which measures soft skills relevant to employment education and training, and personal development. The tool was developed as a joint initiative between DRCD and Pobal working with Quality Matters Trinity College Dublin and co-created with local development companies. It is envisaged that the tool will become embedded in the programme by the end of 2020. A number of other templates are not mandatory. Other templates include: ·       Children and families template (information on education and personal development activities). ·       Educational course template (information on course undertaken). ·       Local community group template (LCG details, objectives, actions etc.). ·       Local development committee collaboration template (details of the LDC and collaboration being undertaken with groups). Social enterprise beneficiary template (social enterprise details and support provided by SICAP, and output/results e.g. new jobs created/business operational etc.). The programme is aimed at: ·       Disadvantaged children and families. ·       Disadvantaged young people (aged 15-24). ·       Disadvantaged women. ·       Lone parents. ·       New communities (including refugees and asylum seekers). ·       People living in disadvantaged communities. ·       People with disabilities. ·       Roma. ·       The unemployed. ·       Low income workers/households. ·       Travellers. ·       The disengaged from the labour market (economically inactive). ·       An emerging needs target group selected at local level by the Local Community Development Committees to reflect the specific needs of the local area if not otherwise addressed.

Additional Info

Field Value
Sector National Government
Dataset Coverage Social Inclusion & Community Activation Programme (SICAP) Administrative data Individual Beneficiary templates are mandatory for each case and provide details on: ·       Personal details (name, address, contacts etc.). ·       Profile (age and gender). ·       Economic status at registration (length of unemployment, economically inactive e.g. disabled, employed). ·       Level of educational attainment at registration. ·       Target group category (lone parent, disabled, nationality, migrant, and ethnicity). ·       Household situation (jobless, homeless etc.). ·       Exit date from SICAP. ·       Immediate results (status on/up to 4 weeks from exit) – engaged in job searching, in education/training, gained a qualification, in employment. ·       Longer term results (status on 6 months from exit) – improved labour market intervention, in employment. ·       Interventions undertaken (e.g. supports in terms of personal action plan, personal skills, info on lifelong learning, education, labour market etc.) Other ·       Includes case studies, and end of year reports. ·       Following a trial period, a Distance Travelled Tool ‘My Journey’ has recently been developed to measure the results of the scheme for individuals. It is a statistically validated tool (recurring questionnaire) which measures soft skills relevant to employment education and training, and personal development. The tool was developed as a joint initiative between DRCD and Pobal working with Quality Matters Trinity College Dublin and co-created with local development companies. It is envisaged that the tool will become embedded in the programme by the end of 2020. A number of other templates are not mandatory. Other templates include: ·       Children and families template (information on education and personal development activities). ·       Educational course template (information on course undertaken). ·       Local community group template (LCG details, objectives, actions etc.). ·       Local development committee collaboration template (details of the LDC and collaboration being undertaken with groups). Social enterprise beneficiary template (social enterprise details and support provided by SICAP, and output/results e.g. new jobs created/business operational etc.). The programme is aimed at: ·       Disadvantaged children and families. ·       Disadvantaged young people (aged 15-24). ·       Disadvantaged women. ·       Lone parents. ·       New communities (including refugees and asylum seekers). ·       People living in disadvantaged communities. ·       People with disabilities. ·       Roma. ·       The unemployed. ·       Low income workers/households. ·       Travellers. ·       The disengaged from the labour market (economically inactive). ·       An emerging needs target group selected at local level by the Local Community Development Committees to reflect the specific needs of the local area if not otherwise addressed.
Primary Identifier PPSN are collected for certain participants, but not for all.
Personal Data Yes
Sensitive Personal Data Yes
Business Data Yes
Spatial Data No
Data Sharing Yes
API Available Yes
Open Data No
Open Data Portal Link
Update frequency Quarterly
Contact Point
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Contact Email