Spatial Personal Business

Register of Driving Instructors (ADI Register) and Initial Basic Training (IBT) Centres in Ireland

From: Road Safety Authority
Transport and Travel


This dataset contains details of all approved driving instructors (ADI's) in Ireland and approved intial basic training centres in Ireland.


National data on approved driving instructors and initial basic training centres in Ireland. Includes details such as Name, Address, Email, Phone Number and County where ADI provides driving instruction and type of driving instruction provided (e.g. Car, Truck , Bus etc.) The ADI Register is available for the public to review at: Spatial Data is only in the form of a named county where ADI is available to provide driver instructio

Additional Info

Field Value
Sector Transport and Travel
Dataset Coverage National data on approved driving instructors and initial basic training centres in Ireland. Includes details such as Name, Address, Email, Phone Number and County where ADI provides driving instruction and type of driving instruction provided (e.g. Car, Truck , Bus etc.) The ADI Register is available for the public to review at: Spatial Data is only in the form of a named county where ADI is available to provide driver instructio
Primary Identifier RSA Issued ADI Number
Personal Data Yes
Sensitive Personal Data No
Business Data Yes
Spatial Data Yes
Data Sharing No
API Available No
Open Data No
Open Data Portal Link
Update frequency Daily
Contact Point
Contact Phone
Contact Email