Public Service Data Strategy 2019 – 2023

17 December 2020

The Public Service Data Strategy 2019-2023 sets out a detailed vision with a set of goals and actions to deliver a more joined-up whole-of-Government approach to how data is used and managed within the public service. It aims to put in place a series of measures to improve how data is governed, managed and re-used in a secure, efficient and transparent manner, for the benefit of citizens, businesses and policy makers.


In implementing the strategy the public Service will be better able to:

Provide more joined-up and integrated, end-to-end digital services
Better processes for policy formulation and evaluation

Improved protection and transparency of personal data processing

Reducing administration by cutting the need for businesses and citizens to provide the same data over and over again


  Overview of the Public Service Data Strategy (Infographic)



  Public Service Data Strategy 2019 - 2023
